Zach Angle

Get in touch with Zach:

I genuinely love the real estate world. I see buying, selling, renovating, and renting all as exciting opportunities for me to serve my clients and bring them to the closing table with a smile on their faces. At the same time, my wife and I felt burdened for the millions of orphaned children worldwide that are in need of a loving home. It was from these two pieces, joy in seeing clients find a place to call home, and sorrow for children for which a home seems unachievable, that HYHO was born.

As a Raleigh native, I’m passionate about the local real estate as well as the local sports teams. My completion of the RRAR Triangle Leadership Academy allowed me to further my understanding of how I can use my role as a Realtor to guide and support my clients through one of the most important decisions they will make. I have also successfully renovated several homes locally, and enjoy using the skills and contacts that I gained during the process to assist clients as they prepare their own homes to sell.

I am blessed with a family that shares my passion for homes. My wife is a talented decorator, and often uses her gifts to assist clients who are stumped with how to stage certain spaces. My son, born in 2012, already knows his way around a tool box, and would spend all day “working” if he could. He is working on showing his little sister (born in 2014) the ropes, though she mostly just drools on things right now. I would be honored to help you buy or sell a home. Let’s get started!