We are pleased to be able to give to agencies that provide care for children in need both domestically and internationally. Let us introduce you to a few of them…
heartscryThis ministry was founded to create efficiencies for orphan care around the world, beginning in Panama, Central America.  Our heart’s cry is to see God lift orphans out of the pit of despair and give them a firm place to stand.  We provide consulting so as to streamline adoption processes and to simplify efforts in placing children into loving homes, domestically and internationally.  We also assist orphanages so they are better equipped to provide for the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of the orphans in their care.  We also are currently focusing on begining a foster care program as well as a special needs orphanage, Casa Providencia.

Click here to learn more about Heart’s Cry.

inspiring hope. one family at a time.

Institutions don’t change kids’ lives, families do.  While the quick fix to the orphan care crisis in Africa is to build orphanages and give kids the most comfortable life possible, in the long term it makes the situation exponentially worse.  Kids need families.  We believe we have been called to take away all the barriers that might keep a child from their family or tribe of origin so they can grow up learning what family looks like.  You can be an integral part of that.  You can be a forever family to a child you may never meet.
​And we think that’s worth investing in.